1 Sep 2022

Worldbuilding Project

There is a divide in the world of fiction. Futurism vs Fantasy.

Why is it that they are distinct bodies of work, with little to no overlap? It is hard to find a future-based fantasy world in any medium. We either get stuff like Blade Runner, Cyberpunk 2077, Elysium, District 9, etc. OR we get Lord of the Rings, World of Warcraft, Dungeons and Dragons, etc.

There is no futurism fantasy world that is popular today. Is it because there is no demand? I doubt it. Futurism and fantasy individually are both popular, and growing day by day.

I started a worldbuilding project called Fragrance, a futurism high-fantasy mesh. It isn't a narrative piece of work or anything, it is simply a collection of articles describing different aspects of the world. This is meant to be a foundation for other storytelling projects to springboard off of (think comics, RPG campaigns, illustrations, short stories, etc).

You can keep an eye on it at this link.